Friday, July 18, 2008

Degool cafe

Location: el man6eqa el 7orra (idk the name in english)

This is the place i go to from time to time during my midday break at work when im workin the long shifts, and rarely when im with my buddies on weekends. probably due to the fact that (to me) its out of the way from the main city.
Being next to some kind of cargo area for containers, there isnt really a nice view or anything. There's plenty of parking space, but no shaded areas.

Plenty of air conditioning makes it a good choice during the daytime when its hot, and plenty of power outlets is a plus for laptop users. At one point they had free internet (not sure if they still do), but as usual when it comes to internet, free = crap, but working.

Hooka quality is average, but not much fluctuation from what i've seen. service is pretty average, with 1 or 2 guys on coal duty.

guys and gals have separate areas, the dude area has about 4 or 5 big screens that are spread around. if your lookin for a place to watch a big game or somethin its not bad, but dont expect good seating if you show up late.


honey said...

wala never saw it :/ bs doesnt sound any intersing

Seattle dude said...

i dont blame u, its kinda mad3oosa

Mar8adoosh said...

9oob black and white ?

I think it's called "Free -something- Zone"

MacaholiQ8 said...

My favorite hang-out since the days it was at Al-Soor street, then in Murqab, and now in City Centre (Salmiya) and Free Trade Zone (Shuwaikh).

I used to be there 24/7 but I've been easing up on shisha so I'm there about once every two weeks or so.